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Charlie Loan Resume/CV 2019 Available resume

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MS SQL BI (SSIS, SSRS) Developer Available resume

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IT Engineer / System Administrator Available resume

I have 21 years of experience in the field of Information Technology. I have 5 years in IT project management experience. I have > 10 years of experience in System Administration and Software Development. I have 5 years experience in Database & Network Administration

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Maria Belen Zurita Available resume

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Mainframe Developer, COBOL, SQL, DB2, Stored Procedures, MQ Available resume

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LORHAN CORPORATION INC., hot list---please reach [CONTACT] Available resume

Sl No Names Tech Yrs of Exp Visa Current Location Relocation Notice 1 *** Amit QA 8+ yrs *** H1B NJ *** Yes *** Weeks 2 *** Sreekar QA *** + Yrs *** H1B CA *** Yes *** weeks 3 Subha G QA *** + yrs *** H1B NJ *** Pittisburgh,PA 2 wee

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