QA Lead Available resume


  1. Over 8 yearsof experience in Software Testing and QA with expertise in Black Box, White Box, Smoke Testing, Sanity, Integration, Regression, Functional, Front End and Back End Testing.
  2. Experience in using UNIXcommands and shell scripts for file management.
  3. Over 5 years experience in Web servicestesting using SOAP UI.
  4. Expert level of understanding of WSDL, XSD, Schema, DTD, XML documents for Web Services Testing.
  5. Experience in automating Web Applications using QTP.
  6. In depth knowledge of the Business process development using Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), Waterfall, AGILE and testing using Software Testing Life Cycle (STLC).
  7. Proficient in writing SQL Queries, Stored Procedures and PL/SQL programs.
  8. Developed and implemented mapping of requirements, tests and defects through Traceability Matrices,CreatedTest Strategies, Project Status Reports, User Training Manuals& other assistive documents.
  9. Excellent verbaland communicationskills with the ability to successfully work with all levels of IT professionals and end users.

Excellent Analytical skills, Team Player and Self Starter with ability to learn rapidly and be productive


*** – Present—QA Lead inConfidential–Jersey City-- New Jersey

Roles and Responsibilities:

  • Primary responsibility is to make sure all the rules are being applied to the positions that we get in feed. Testing accrual calculations for international and domestic securities.
  • Ensure that rule management algorithm is followed for accrual calculation.
  • To ensure that all rules follow proper rule level hierarchy.
  • Coordinating with business to review logics and filters being used for accrual calculations.
  • Analyzing story points to all Jira’s and updating them in Enterprise Jira.
  • Creating test scenarios based on the requirement and getting them reviewed by product team.
  • Maintaining the proper QC structure as per audit standards.
  • Organizing bi-weekly QA triage to go over all open questions and share QA status with technology and product teams.
  • Creating and maintaining dashboard for the projects.
  • Actively manage offshore resources by assigning them Jira’s, communicating the business requirements, clearing their questions and getting the work done.

Automation work:

  • Implemented Fidelity owned framework called, ATM(Accelerated Automation Test Manager) to the application under test. This framework uses Unified Functional Testing tool.
  • Input to this framework are two excel files. They are : Object repository and its identifiers.
  • Object repository is the list of objects in my application which are identified using xpaths . I customize my xpaths in such a way that though, any of the objects hierarchy changes from root , it will not affect my script.
  • Developed a complete regression suite using this framework .
  • Just like we update QC, all automated testcases are pushed to Git stash on daily basis.
  • These test cases can be run on multiple browsers by simply changing the execution status to yes/no in the config. file.

Environment: ALM QC 12.0, Atlassian Enterprise Jira V6.4.7 , Atlassian Source Tree Version *** , Oracle SQL Developer V *** , UNIX, WINSCP, Putty, SOAP UI 5.0.0,Beyond Compare4 V4.1.2

*** – *** Confidential, New York

Selenium responsibilities:

Analyzing User requirements, functional specifications and created Test Plans,Test cases for functional testing.

Used firebug tool to identify web objects id,Name, Xpath, link in the application.

Added annotations to ...

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