.Net Developer Available resume

Professional Summary:

  • Over 8 years of experience in Software Development including Analysis, Functional and Technical Design, Development, Implementation and Testing of client-server and N-tier applications.
  • Over 4+ years of experience working as UI developer with HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, AngularJS, AJAX, jQuery.
  • Experience in Microsoft design patterns like Model-View-View Model Pattern (MVVM), (Model View Controller) MVC and Service Oriented Architecture (SOA).
  • Expert in creating .Net applications using ASP.NET, C#, AJAX, HTML, DHTML, XHTML, JavaScript, jQuery, ADO.Net, Entity framework and CSS.
  • Experience in creating rich UI application using MVC Razor.
  • Expertise in Design and Development of Interfaces, User Controls and Custom Controls using ASP.NET.
  • Hands on experience using OOP (Object Oriented Programming) principles like Abstraction, Polymorphism, Inheritance and Encapsulation.
  • Built reusable components using AngularJS.
  • Responsible for creating enterprise application logic using AngularJS and other cutting edge technologies.
  • Excellent experience in implementing Web Service, WCF, Web API, REST service which communicate data in both XML & JSON.
  • Expertise in database creating Stored Procedures, Functions, Triggers, Indexes, Views using SQL Server *** 2014.
  • Extensively worked with LINQ to SQL, LINQ to XML, X-Path a...

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