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- 10 yearsof experience as a Senior Java developerin developing Enterprise and web-based Application using different technologies based on Java/J2EE.
- Worked in AGILE/SCRUMenvironment and involved in different phases of SDLClike System Analysis, Design, Development Implementation of Web-Based Applications, Server side Applications, Object Oriented applications, Client/Server, Internet/Intranet, Windows, Web, Stand Alone and Distributed Applications. Onsite (offshore) work experience at client location.
- Rich work experience in Java/J2EE frameworks like Spring, AngularJS, Struts and Hibernate.
- Strong work experience in application integration using Web Services such as SOAP, Restful WSDLusing differentAPIs like JAX-RS, JAX-RS etc.
- Implemented code for various technical and functional components using different Spring modules like SPRING IOC, SPRING MVCetc.
- Experience in Test Driven Environment (TDD)and implemented multiple test cases to perform unit testing the applications using JUnit Framework
- Experience in implementing various J2EE design patterns like MVC, Data Access Object (DAO), Factory, Singleton, Data Transfer Object (DTO), Business Delegate, and Front Controller.
- Proficient in Development of UIusing JQuery,HTML, XML, CSS, JSP, JavaScript.
- Expertise in developing data models using Hibernate, JPA Object relational mapping (ORM) Frame works and also used Hibernate Annotations to reduce time at the configuration level.
- Proficient in Java Multi-Threading. Strong working knowledge on OOPs concepts, Strong knowledge on Exception Handlingand Collections Servlets, JSP and JDBCtechnologies, Java Bean Objects, Business objects.
- Experience in writing UNIX, Perl Scriptsand Shell Scripting.
- Working experience in Relational Database Systems like Oracle, DB2, MS-SQL Server and MySQL.
- Strong domain knowledge in Insurance, Finance, Health Care and eGovernance.
- Developed J2EE applications by using IDE’s such as Eclipse, MyEclipseBlue, Netbeansetc.
- Involved in reviewing the code, explaining functional/technical specification to the team members, functional requirements analysis and also participated in resource planning.
- Strong experience in using different build tools like ANT, MAVENetc and different version control servers and tools like Windows CVS, Tortoise SVNetc.
Programming Languages
Java, C, C++,SQL, PL/SQL, XML
Server-Side Technologies
Servlets, JSP, JAXB, Dozer, JMS, EJB, SOAP, RESTfulservices
Spring, Struts, JSF, Hibernate, Log4j, Slf4j
UI Technologies
AngularJS, JQuery, JSON SiteMesh , Bootstrap, Jasper, CSS, iReports, iText, XML, HTML and Java Script.
Oracle, MS-SQL Server, DB2 and Mysql.
Web Servers
Apache Tomcat.
Application Server
BEA’s Weblogic, Websphere, JBoss